Event fotograaf
In event photography I do not capture one subject but several, for example I photograph the environment, the decoration, the radiant dancing or singing people, the food, the food trucks, the bands / artists, the bartenders and the people who work at the event . This way you get a complete picture of the atmosphere and I like to leave you with a feeling of nostalgia, nostalgia for this unforgettable day or days. Event photography is not just about the music or the people, it's about the full picture, the atmosphere makes the festival or event. And as an event photographer I like to capture that in images.
As an event photographer you are present at an event or festival part of the day or all day to capture the atmosphere. I shoot photos of everything I come across and go in search of the perfect picture. I always look for something that stands out, this can be a food truck that is nicely decorated, but also a person who has a distinct clothing style or simply shines in the middle of the festival site.
Light plays a major role in virtually any type of photography, including event photography. Have you ever danced at a festival while the sun was setting? You will certainly have experienced this once and you may have also experienced the euphoria. For me, this is the most beautiful moment of the day that produces the coolest images.
I think it's even more fun to be an event photographer at a festival than to go to a festival myself. As a festival photographer I pay much more attention to detail than when I walk around without a camera. I'm really looking for the atmosphere that characterizes the event. Walk all over the site, backstage and from a distance. A good variety of wide angle and close-ups, people and the decoration. The more different aspects of the event you capture, the clearer you get the atmosphere. When looking at these photos, you are immediately taken back in time, you are there, as it were, you can almost feel the atmosphere.
There are many festival photographers in the Netherlands and they all create beautiful images. Many festival photographers are focused on one aspect of the festival, such as the performers, or the party people. Personally, as a festival photographer, I do not excel in one aspect. My strength really lies in photographing the whole atmosphere. Call it storytelling, I tell a story, the story of the festival.
An outdoor event or a festival, I like to capture it. Tell me what you have in mind, what kind of images you would like to see, tell me your preferences and I'll go on the road. I walk around, chat with people, I am part of the event. I answer questions and direct people in the right direction to the toilets. I am sociable but at the right moments I will fade into the background, people will not notice that I am shooting. I am good at working independently, I know what I am looking for and what I have to capture on image.
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